рд╕ीрдзे рдоुрдЦ्рдп рд╕ाрдордЧ्рд░ी рдкрд░ рдЬाрдПं

What is Excess Demand and it's related concept

 We know that Equilibrium level of income and employment is determined when AD curves intersects the AS curve. If the equilibrium level exceeds the full employment level, then there is Excess Demand in the economy. However if Equilibrium level falls short of full employment level, then it is a situation of Deficient Demand. 

Excess demand

According to Keynes :-  The Equilibrium level of employment may or may not be the full employment level. It means Equilibrium level may exceed or fall short of full employment level.

What is Excess Demand?

Excess demand refers to the situation when aggregate demand is more than the aggregate supply corresponding to full employment level of output in the economy.  It is the excess of anticipated expenditure over the value of full employment output .

What is Inflationary Gap?

Inflationary Gap refers to the gap by which actual aggregate demand exceeds the aggregate demand required to establish full employment Equilibrium. Excess demand gives rise to an inflationary gap.

Graph of Excess Demand:- 

What are the reasons for Excess Demand?

Excess demand may arise due to several factors. Important factors are mentioned below:- 

  • Rise in the Propensity to consume:-  Excess Demand may arise because of increase in consumption expenditure due to rise in the Propensity to consume or fall in propensity to save.

  • Reduction in taxes:-   It may also occur due to increase in disposable income and consumption demand because of decrease in taxes .

  • Increase in Government Expenditure:-  Rise in government demand for goods and services due to increase in public expenditure will also result in excess demand.

  • Increase in Investment:-  Excess demand can also arise when there is increase in Investment due to decrease in rate of interest in expected returns.

  • Fall in Imports :-  Decrease in Imports due to higher international prices in comparison to domestic prices may also lead to excess demand.

  • Deficit Financing:-  Excess Demand may be caused due to increase in the money supply caused by deficit Financing.

Impact of Excess Demand:- 

Excess demand is not a desired situation because it doesn't lead to any increase in level of aggregate supply as the economy is already at full employment level. Excess demand has the following effect on output, Employment and general price level :- 

  • Effect on output:-  Excess demand does not affect the level of output because economy is already at full employment level there is no idle capacity in the economy.

  • Effect on Employment:-  There will be no change in the level of employment as the economy is already operating at full employment equilibrium and there is no involuntary unemployment.

  • Effect on General price level:-  Excess demand leads to rise in the general price level as aggregate demand is more than aggregate supply. 

What is a Deficient Demand?

Deficient demand refers to the situation when aggregate demand is less than the aggregate supply corresponding to full employment level of output in the economy.

What is a Deflationary Gap?

Deflationary gap is the gap by which actual aggregate demand falls short of aggregate demand required to establish full employment equilibrium.

The situation of deficient demand arise when planned aggregate expenditure falls short of aggregate supply at the Full employment level. It gives rise to Deflationary gap.

Graph of Deficient Demand :- 

What are the reasons of deficient demand?

The reasons for occurrence of deficit demand are almost opposit  to the reasons for excess demand. The main causes for deficient demand are:- 

  • Decrease in propensity to consume:-  A decrease in consumption expenditure, due to fall in the propensity to consume leads to deficient demand in the economy.

  • Increase in taxes:-  aggregate demand may also fall due to imposition of higher taxes. It leads to decrease in disposable income and as a result the economy suffers from deficient demand.

  • Decrease in government expenditure:-  When government reduces its demand for goods and services due to fall in public expenditure, it leads to deficient demand.

  • Fall in investment expenditure:-  Increase in the rate of interest or fall in the expected returns lead to decrease in the investment expenditure. It reduces the aggregate demand and gives rise to deficient demand.

  • Rise in Import:-   When international prices are comparatively less than the domestic prices, then it may  lead to a rise in imports, implying a cut in the aggregate demand.

  • Fall in exports:-  Exports may fall due to comparatively higher prices of domestic goods due to increase in the exchange rate for domestic currency. This will lead to Deficient demand.

Impact of Deficient Demand:- 

Deficient demand creates many difficulties in the economy due to its deflationary nature. Generally deficient demand adversely affected the level of output, employment and the price level in the economy.

  • Effect on output:-  Due to lack of sufficient aggregate demand there will be an increase in inventory stock. It will force the forms to plan for lesser production for the subsequences period. As a result, planned output will fall.

  • Effect on employment:-  Deficient demand causes involuntary unemployment in the economy due to fall in the planned output.

  • Effect on general price level:-  Deficient demand causes the general prices to fall due to lack of demand for goods and services in the economy.

Difference between Excess demand and Deficient demand:-


Excess demand

Deficient Demand


It refers to the situation when aggregate demand is more than aggregate supply corresponding to full employment level in the economy.

It refers to the situation when aggregate demand is less than aggregate supply corresponding to full employment level in the economy.

Equilibrium level

It indicates over full employment equilibrium.

It indicates under employment equilibrium.


It occurs due to Excess of anticipated expenditure that is due to rise in consumption expenditure, investment expenditure etc.

It occurs due to shortage of anticipated expenditure that is due to fall in consumption expenditure, investment expenditure etc.

Impact on output and employment

It does not affect the output and the employment as economy is already operating at full employment level.

it leads to fall in output and employment due to shortage of aggregate demand.

Conclusion:-. It is clear from the discussion that both the situations of excess demand and deficient demand are harmful for the growth of the economy.


рдЗрд╕ рдм्рд▓ॉрдЧ рд╕े рд▓ोрдХрдк्рд░िрдп рдкोрд╕्рдЯ

Samta Ansh kise kehte hai - рд╕рдорддा рдЕंрд╢ рдХिрд╕े рдХрд╣рддे рд╣ैं

рд╕рдорддा рдЕंрд╢:-  рд╕рдорддा рдЕंрд╢ рд╕े рдЕрднिрдк्рд░ाрдп рдЙрди рдЕंрд╢ों рд╕े рд╣ै рдЬो рд╡ाрд░्рд╖िрдХ рд▓ाрднांрд╢ рдХे рднुрдЧрддाрди рд╡ рд╕рдоाрдкрди рдХे рд╕рдордп рдкूंрдЬी рдХी рд╡ाрдкрд╕ी рдоें рдХिрд╕ी  рддрд░рд╣ рдХी рдкрд╣рд▓ рдХा рдЕрдзिрдХाрд░ рдирд╣ीं рд░рдЦрддे। рдЬो рдкूंрдЬी рдЕंрд╢ो рдХो рдиिрд░्рдЧрдоिрдд рдХрд░рдХे рдПрдХрдд्рд░िрдд рдХी рдЬाрддी рд╣ै рдЙрд╕े рдЕंрд╢ рдкूंрдЬी рдХрд╣рддे рд╣ैं।  рдк्рд░рдд्рдпेрдХ рдХंрдкрдиी рдХे рдкाрд░्рд╖рдж рд╕ीрдоाрдиिрдпрдо рдоें рдЕंрд╢ рдиिрд░्рдЧрдоिрдд рдХрд░рдХे рдк्рд░ाрдк्рдд рдХी рдЬाрдиे рд╡ाрд▓ी рдкूंрдЬी рдХी рдЕрдзिрдХрддрдо рд░ाрд╢ि рдХी рдЬाрдирдХाрд░ी рджी рдЬाрддी рд╣ै рдЬिрд╕े рд╣рдо рд░рдЬिрд╕्рдЯрд░्рдб рдкूंрдЬी рдХे рдиाрдо рд╕े рдЬाрдирддे рд╣ैं। рдХंрдкрдиी рдХी рдЬो рд░рдЬिрд╕्рдЯрд░्рдб рдкूंрдЬी рд╣ोрддी рд╣ै рдЙрд╕рдХो рдЫोрдЯी- рдЫोрдЯी рдЗрдХाрдЗрдпों рдоें рдмांрдЯ рджिрдпा рдЬाрддा рд╣ै। рд░рдЬिрд╕्рдЯрд░्рдб рдкूंрдЬी рдХि рдпрд╣ी рдЫोрдЯी рдЗрдХाрдЗрдпों рдХो рд╣рдо рдЕंрд╢ рдХрд╣рддे рд╣ैं। рд╕рдорддा рдЕंрд╢ рдХो рдиिрд░्рдЧрдоिрдд рдХрд░рдХे рдПрдХрдд्рд░िрдд рдХी рдЧрдИ рдкूंрдЬी рдХो рд╕рдорддा рдЕंрд╢ рдкूंрдЬी рдХрд╣рддे рд╣ैं। рдЗрд╕рдХे рдмिрдиा рд╣рдо рдХिрд╕ी рднी рдХंрдкрдиी рдХी рдХрд▓्рдкрдиा рдирд╣ीं рдХрд░ рд╕рдХрддे рд╣ैं। рдХंрдкрдиी рдЬिрди рднी рдиिрд╡ेрд╢рдХों рдХो рд╕рдорддा рдЕंрд╢  рдЬाрд░ी рдХрд░рддी рд╣ै рдЙрди рд╕рднी рдиिрд╡ेрд╢рдХों рдХो рд╕рдорддा рдЕंрд╢рдзाрд░ी рдХрд╣рддे рд╣ैं। рд╕рдорддा рдЕंрд╢рдзाрд░ी рд╣ी рдХिрд╕ी рднी рдХंрдкрдиी рдХे рд╡ाрд╕्рддрд╡िрдХ рд╕्рд╡ाрдоी рд╣ोрддे рд╣ैं। рд╕рдорддा рдЕंрд╢ो рдХे рд▓ाрдн:-  рд╕рдорддा рдЕंрд╢ рдХे рдоाрдз्рдпрдо рд╕े рд╡िрдиिрдпोрдЬрдХो рдПрд╡ं рдХंрдкрдиी рджोрдиों рдХो рд╣ी рд▓ाрдн рдк्рд░ाрдк्рдд рд╣ोрддे рд╣ैं рдЬो рдХि рдиिрдо्рдирд▓िрдЦिрдд рд╣ैं:- рд╕рдорддा рдЕंрд╢ рдж्рд╡ाрд░ा рд╡िрдиिрдпोрдЬрдХो  рдХो рд▓ाрдн:-  рдк्...

рд╡ैрд╢्рд╡ीрдХрд░рдг рдХे рдЖрд░्рдеिрдХ рдк्рд░рднाрд╡ों рдХो рд╕рдордЭाрдЗрдП

рд╡ैрд╢्рд╡ीрдХрд░рдг рдмрд╣ुрдЖрдпाрдоी рдк्рд░рдХ्рд░िрдпा рд╣ै, рдЬिрд╕рдоें рд╣рдо рдЕрдкрдиे рдиिрд░्рдгрдп рдХे рджुрдиिрдпा рдХी рдПрдХ рдХ्рд╖ेрдд्рд░ рдоें рдХाрд░्рдпाрди्рд╡िрдд рдХрд░рддे рд╣ैं, рдЬो рджुрдиिрдпा рдХे рджूрд░рд╡рд░्рддी рдХ्рд╖ेрдд्рд░ рдоें рд╡्рдпрдХ्рддिрдпों рдХे рд╡्рдпрд╡рд╣ाрд░ рдХे рдиिрд░्рдзाрд░рдг рдоें рдорд╣рдд्рд╡рдкूрд░्рдг рднूрдоिрдХा рдиिрднाрддे рд╣ैं। рд╕्рдорд░рдгीрдп рдмिंрджु:- рдПрдХ рдЕрд╡рдзाрд░рдгा рдХे рд░ूрдк рдоें рд╡ैрд╢्рд╡ीрдХрд░рдг рдХा рдмुрдиिрдпाрджी рддрдд्рд╡ 'рдк्рд░рд╡ाрд╣'   рд╣ै। рдк्рд░рд╡ाрд╣ рдХрдИ рдк्рд░рдХाрд░ рдХे рд╣ोрддे рд╣ैं рдЬैрд╕े- рд╡рд╕्рддुрдУं, рдкूंрдЬी, рд╢्рд░рдо рдФрд░ рд╡िрдЪाрд░ों рдХा рд╡िрд╢्рд╡ рдХे рдПрдХ рд╣िрд╕्рд╕े рд╕े рджूрд╕рд░े рдЕрди्рдп рд╣िрд╕्рд╕े рдоें рдоुрдХ्рдд рдк्рд░рд╡ाрд╣। рд╡ैрд╢्рд╡ीрдХрд░рдг рдХो рднूрдоंрдбрд▓ीрдХрд░рдг рднी рдХрд╣рддे рд╣ैं рдФрд░ рдпрд╣ рдПрдХ рдмрд╣ुрдЖрдпाрдоी рдЕрд╡рдзाрд░рдгा рд╣ै। рдпрд╣ рдиा рддो рдХेрд╡рд▓ рдЖрд░्рдеिрдХ рдкрд░िрдШрдЯрдиा рд╣ै рдФрд░ рдиा рд╣ी рд╕िрд░्рдл рд╕ांрд╕्рдХृрддिрдХ рдпा рд░ाрдЬрдиीрддिрдХ рдкрд░िрдШрдЯрдиा। рд╡ैрд╢्рд╡ीрдХрд░рдг рдХे рдХाрд░рдг:-  рдЙрди्рдирдд рдк्рд░ौрдж्рдпोрдЧिрдХी рдПрд╡ं рд╡िрд╢्рд╡рд╡्рдпाрдкी рдкाрд░ंрдкрд░िрдХ рдЬुрдб़ाрд╡ рдЬिрд╕ рдХाрд░рдг рдЖрдЬ рд╡िрд╢्рд╡ рдПрдХ рд╡ैрд╢्рд╡िрдХ рдЧ्рд░ाрдо рдмрди рдЧрдпा рд╣ै। рдЯेрд▓ीрдЧ्рд░ाрдл, рдЯेрд▓ीрдлोрди, рдоाрдЗрдХ्рд░ोрдЪिрдк, рдЗंрдЯрд░рдиेрдЯ рдПрд╡ं рдЕрди्рдп рд╕ूрдЪрдиा рддрдХрдиीрдХी рд╕ाрдзрдиों рдиे рд╡िрд╢्рд╡ рдХे рд╡िрднिрди्рди рднाрдЧों рдХे рдмीрдЪ рд╕ंрдЪाрд░ рдХी рдХ्рд░ांрддि рдХрд░ рджिрдЦाрдИ рд╣ै। рдкрд░्рдпाрд╡рд░рдг рдХी рд╡ैрд╢्рд╡िрдХ рд╕рдорд╕्рдпाрдУं рдЬैрд╕े- рд╕ुрдиाрдоी, рдЬрд▓рд╡ाрдпु рдкрд░िрд╡рд░्рддрди, рд╡ैрд╢्рд╡िрдХ рддाрдк рд╡ृрдж्рдзि рд╕े рдиिрдкрдЯрдиे рд╣ेрддु рдЕंрддрд░्рд░ाрд╖्рдЯ्рд░ीрдп рд╕рд╣рдпोрдЧ। рд╡ैрд╢्рд╡ीрдХрд░рдг рдХी рд╡िрд╢ेрд╖рддाрдПं:- рдкूंрдЬी, рд╢्рд░рдо, рд╡рд╕्рддु рдПрд╡ं рд╡िрдЪाрд░ों рдХा рдЧрддिрд╢...

Pro Rata Allotment Forfeiture and Reissue Questions

SUBJECT- ACCOUNTANCY          LANGUAGE- ENGLISH         CLASS - 12TH  Question-1 .  Alpha limited invited applications for issuing 75000 equity shares of ₹10  each. The amount was payable as follows:- On application- ₹4 per share  On First call- ₹3 per share  On second and final call- balance  Applications for 1,00,000 shares were received. Shares were allotted to all the applicants on pro rata basis and excess money received with applications was transferred towards sums due on first call. Vibha who was allotted 750 shares faild to pay the first call. Her shares were immediately forfeited. Afterwards the second call was made . The amount due on call we as also received except on 1,000 shares, applied by Monika. Her shares were also forfeited. All the forfeited shares were reissued to Mohit for ₹9000 at fully paid-up. Pass necessary Journal entries in the books of Alpha lim...